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About CouponBrowse
Save on every purchase! CouponBrowse is your one-stop shop for finding the best deals. Driven by curiosity and a passion for simplifying savings, CouponBrowse emerged in 2020. Founder David Vu saw the growing trend of coupon sharing on social media but recognized the disorganization and difficulty of finding the best deals. Thus, CouponBrowse was born – a platform designed to curate these coupons and empower shoppers to find exactly what they need to save money.
CouponBrowse connects you with amazing deals from over 1,000 merchant partners while helping businesses reach a wider audience through our targeted email newsletters, browser extension, and website. It’s a win-win! Businesses gain new customers, you get the best deal savings, and a small fee from select retailers allows us to continuously improve CouponBrowse, bringing even more value to our members.